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the word itself conjures up images of well dressed women, accessorising their
outfits with stylish ornaments and embellishments. While traditionally in some
countries in the Orient, jewelry has long been considered a sound investment,
in the West it is a relatively new trend that is catching up today. Jewelry as
an investment say many financial analysts is a relatively safe bet, akin to
property and assets like antiques and paintings and are thus in the same
bracket as these offbeat investments.
in jewelry as an investment:
certain investments are easy to quantify, the main problem with jewelry is that
it is a relatively ‘difficult’ investment because of the following factors:
Lack of standardisation: Unlike gold or property, jewelry is harder to
standardise simply because it uses different alloys, gems and craftsmanship
that are more subjective in nature and therefore harder to quantify. One way of
overcoming this difficulty is having jewelry made according to a standard that
an investor sets and having the raw materials used in the making of the
jewelry, individually certified.
Sentimentality: Jewelry is traditionally a sentimental purchase or endowment.
The price of the jewelry is often the monetary value of that sentimentality
that a seller ascribes to that piece, which may be overpriced. The only way
around this is to buy jewelry only from a certified retailer, or bidding on
individual pieces of estate jewelry at auctions.
why jewelry is a safer bet than most other investments:
1) In
comparison to gold: Gold is often looked at as the most safe option to invest
in. While this may hold true, the acquisition of said gold is a gamble, as the
price of the metal fluctuates on a global scale, on an hourly basis. Jewelry on
the other hand has a fixed entry point, and as such is a more or less fixed
rate of appreciation, which makes it a safer bet than gold.
2) In
comparison to share trading: While there is no doubt that share trading has
quicker rate of returns, the market risks you eschew makes it a difficult
proposition for the more cautious investor. Jewelry in this respect represents
a fixed sum, paid in one go and is as such the perfect investment avenue for
cautious investors.
3) In
comparison to property: Property prices the world over are at an all time high.
While this comes as good news to landholders, people wanting to enter this
market are put off by these near exorbitant prices. This makes jewelry seem like a smarter bet as jewelry prices while definitely not static, are more
affordable and thus less of a risky proposition.
experts have to say:
experts in the post recession world markets are advising people to invest in
jewelry. Says Elle Weinstein, a financial adviser with a well known European
wealth management firm, “In the post
recessionary period, people are looking for more tangible, safe bets that will
stay profitable in the long run, and are also appreciable in the interim. Wine,
antiques and jewelry, especially jewelry is the way to go. We’re advising our
clients to think of jewelry not just as mere baubles or trinkets, but as a
safety net when all else fails. The Asian culture has been to invest and
treasure jewelry, I think it should be a trend in Western markets too.”
have always been associated with unending love and deep commitment. They’re
little pieces of celestial perfection which express what mere words could
never. But they can also be quite the money pit, if you do not know how to pick
up the right diamonds at your price point. There have been umpteen cases where
unsuspecting people have been ripped off, by unscrupulous elements, in such
cases people have mostly been given a stone that looks like a diamond, but when
evaluated turned out to be a synthetically simulated stone or a fake
altogether. This post therefore is to enlighten the reader about facts they
ought to know about diamonds, before embarking on the purchase of diamond jewelry.
you need to know before you buy diamond jewelry:
Diamonds never wear or crack: The
most basic fact to remember is that diamonds are the toughest element in the
known universe. Diamonds cannot crack, break or wear down. Artificially
simulated stones however do not share the same durability as natural stones. These
simulated diamonds do break occasionally, and are infinitely cheaper than the real deal, so always be on a look out for
them. Buying your jewelry from a reputed jeweler or jewelry website is normally
a guarantee that what you’re paying for is a natural diamond and not a man made
GIA certification: GIA
or the Gemological Institute of America is the institution that came up with
the 4Cs and other procedures to verify and certify purity of diamonds. Pure
diamonds almost always carry a GIA certification or at the very least a
certificate of purity endorsed by GIA. Most reputed jewelry brands and websites
around the world will always provide you with one or the other certificate upon
purchase. The GIA certification comes in handy when you’re trying to resell
your diamonds or having them appraised.
The 4Cs: The
4Cs stand for Cut, Clarity, Colour and Carat Weight and are the most important
tool to ascertain the value of a diamond. The cut of a diamond determines not
just its shape, but also the level of shine as the diamond cutter can choose to
add many facets and angles to the diamond to enhance its reflective index.
Clarity is measured on six scales from flawless (highest value) to included (I3
being the least valuable), the clearer and more transparent the diamond, the
greater its value. A diamond’s color or rather the lack of it determines its
value, according to the GIA scale of color, diamonds are graded from D to Z (D
being flawlessly transparent, Z being colored and therefore not completely
transparent.) Stones that are almost perfectly transparent or colorless are
rated between a scale of D to F and are a whole lot more expensive than
diamonds that come under the scale from I onwards. A diamond’s dry weight is
called its carat weight, and as a rule of thumb, the heavier the stone, the
more expensive it is.
The wearer’s personality:
Knowing technical details about a diamond before buying diamond jewelry is a
must, but so is taking into consideration the wearer’s personality. Whatever
the piece of jewelry may be, it needs to be in sync with the way the ultimate
wearer is perceived by others and themselves. If a woman is an introvert by
nature, it is best to select a piece of jewelry that is understated and draws
attention to what the woman has worn, and not to itself. In sharp contrast, a
contemporary or offbeat design might be just what the doctor ordered for a
woman who has an extroverted streak in her. Also bear in mind the versatility
of the design of the ornament, the context in which it can be worn, whether or
not it will match every look you can envision your woman in, etc.
easy to remember pointers will ensure that A) you never get taken for a ride
when it comes to selecting a diamond and get exactly what you pay for and B)
you alway pick the right ornament for your woman, keeping in mind her unique
personality and sense of style.
Out of all human
emotions, love is the one that is etched in our hearts and minds forever. It is
difficult to forget your first love, or the man/woman who asked you out for the
very first time, isn’t it? Memories of love, in its various forms, always have an
association that we hold dear, irrespective of the time lapse between them.
Love is eternal. So why should a symbol of love be anything less. Feast your eyes therefore on the ‘Eternity Ring’.
Eternity Rings: An
expression of ‘Forever Love’:
An eternity ring is a
ring which crafted normally in gold, white gold or platinum, and then
embellished with diamonds of an identical cut. These were first marketed by De
Beers in the 1960s and were aimed specifically at older married women, who
already, in most cases had their single stone wedding rings and were looking at
a more cost effective, yet trendy and evocative second ring, to accessorise
their garments with.
Eternity Rings though
the ages:
While De Beers may have
coined the term ‘Eternity Ring’, it would be erroneous to credit their creation
to the former. Eternity Rings have been around in one form or the other for
millennia. For instance, the ancient Egyptians used rings that are surprisingly
akin to modern ‘Eternity Rings’ to celebrate different occasions, from the
matrimonial union of man and woman, to the birth of a child (rings with
different stones were given as congratulatory gifts to the mother), to
offerings in temples as gratitude for prayers answered. Many historians also
report similar rings being used for ceremonial purposes in ancient Sumer, India
and South East Asia.
What Eternity Rings
signify today:
In today’s ethos,
‘Eternity Rings’ have a more specific symbolism. Unlike the ancient Egyptians,
modern rings are almost always used to commemorate the celebration of a
particular milestone in a marriage. Whether it is a particular anniversary, or
in the case of couples who have been dating for a long time, to mark the desire
to embark upon the next phase of their relationship, i.e. moving in or getting
married. An ‘Eternity Ring’ is also known as an alliance ring. It is simply
another type of ring that can be worn, by someone who is married to express
that they want to be together forever with their partner. Most commonly though,
they are used as wedding bands.
Other associations of
the Eternity Ring:
Circle of Life:
While the most potent association of the ‘Eternity Ring’ will always be with
matrimony. Eternity Rings also signify the circle of life. This powerful
association also means that these rings are perfect gifts for new moms. The
association that Eternity Rings have with the unending circle of life, means
that they are the number one gift for your pregnant friends or your partner.
Anniversary Gifts:
Eternity Rings are also considered to be an appropriate anniversary gift for
your significant other. Which anniversary you present it to her is entirely
your call. Though some folk say in a lighthearted manner that if you present it
too early in your marriage, you might be setting the standard too high for you
to follow through every year. Jokes apart, an Eternity Ring comes attached with a powerful message. One of love and togetherness, and a promise that neither
will wane over time.
are beautiful expressions of kinship, love and trust shared between two people.
There are few relationships as intimate or as lasting as between a husband and
wife. The love and commitment shared by a man and woman has spawned epics of
love and longing that have manifested themselves in the form of stories, poems,
movies and books across the ages.
Jewelry plays a significant part in the expression of love between two people. From a
commitment bracelet, to a diamond solitaire, from an engagement ring to a
quirky tassel or anklet, the symbolism of jewelry in a committed relationship
is of great significance. The following is a guide to the perfect jewelry for
committed couples.
For her:
circlet of eternity crowned by an immortal sparkling stone, that says that
she’s the only woman who will ever truly win your heart and affections.
Diamonds have been considered as appropriate presents for paramours from time
immemorial. The Greeks considered these stones as tears of the Gods, while the
Romans were among the first to fashion rings that were studded with diamonds.
Being one of a kind and rare, diamonds are the perfect statement of intent and
commitment to your significant other. Whether it is a single diamond or a row of tiny diamonds in shapes that are unique, these rings are one gift with which
you couldn’t possibly go wrong.
you choose simple studs or more intricate chandelier style earrings, these
pieces always convey the feelings of love and commitment. When choosing
earrings for your special someone, always make sure they go well with her face
cut. A simple rule of thumb, if she has
a longish face, studs in floral, geometric or nature inspired shapes are a good
bet. Round and oval face cuts could be best accentuated with longer chandelier
style earrings. Choose the metal and stones wisely. Coloured stone should be
chosen taking into consideration your beloved’s skin tone, though diamonds are
the best bet for all skin types.
reminder of love around your partner’s wrists, bracelets are the best way to
arrest your partner and make her your own. A variety of bracelets are available
for the modern woman. From the always elegant string of miniature diamonds to
the more whimsical charm bracelets, these ornaments are perfect and accentuate
every facet of your lady love’s personality. Perfect on a formal gown as it can
be with a chic, all encompassing casual look, bracelets are eternal reminders
of love and commitment.
single, precious diamond, set on a minimal chain, is how many perceive a
solitaire. Solitaires though are much more versatile and can be set into almost
all sorts of ornaments. From a ring with one diamond as a central focus, to
earrings with single precious stones, to a necklace with a diamond in colour or
white as the focal point, solitaires are a timeless, ageless way of telling
your soulmate that she’s your one and only!
are a more esoteric, eccentric gift to appreciate and celebrate your partners
unique and signature brand of kookiness. Perfect if your partner is fascinated
by the orient and has a slightly crazy, wild side.
The list of Jewelry for men is normally not as exhaustive as it is for women though
a few ornaments are now gaining popularity. For your Adam, here is a list of
options, other than the usual ring or watch.
if your man wears business suits or dress shirts. Cufflinks in semi-precious
metals like tungsten and titanium, either without any embellishments or colored
stones are perfect. Make sure that the colour of the cufflinks match the color
of the shirt and suit though.
bracelets with no embellishments are perfect for the outdoorsy type of man,
with wider wrists, or for a man who loves working out to keep himself in prime